Singing Guide: Mike + the Mechanics

Singing Guide: Mike + the Mechanics

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?


Mike + the Mechanics is a British pop rock supergroup that helped to shape the music of the 80s and beyond. Their hits are famous for their emotional intensity and poetic lyrics. If you are a fan of Mike + the Mechanics and would like to learn their unique singing style, you are in the right place. In this article, we will analyze their music, their vocal technique, and provide you with practical tips and resources to help you spice up your singing.

Mike + the Mechanics Music: Powerful and Emotional

Mike + the Mechanics' iconic music is characterized by its power and emotional intensity. While their music stretches the boundaries between rock and pop, their unique sound revolves around the thrill of electric guitars and dynamic rhythms. Their music includes driving basslines, memorable hooks, and intricate textures.

Mike + the Mechanics: Vocal Technique

Many of Mike + the Mechanics' songs showcase powerful, soulful singing marked with unique techniques. Mike Rutherford, Andrew Roachford, and Paul Carrack are the voices behind the music, and their vocal techniques are an essential part of their iconic sound. Here are the essential vocal techniques they use:

  • Vocal control: One of the constant features of Mike + the Mechanics, is the impressive vocal control displayed by the effects and sound of their voices.
  • Phrasing and dynamics: Their music relies on emotive phrasing and dynamic vocal delivery to convey the range of emotions expressed in their lyrics.
  • Breathing support: Exceptional breath control is crucial in any singer's arsenal, particularly the way it is demonstrated in the soulful and powerful vocals delivered by Mike and his group.
  • Belting: Mike Rutherford's vocal technique is renowned for his belting ability, which consist of moving from chest voice to head voice in effortless continuity. When executed well, belting produces a powerful and resonant sound.

Mike + the Mechanics' Emotive Songs

To learn how to sing like Mike + the Mechanics, you should first explore their emotive songs. Some of their most famous hits include Silent Running, The Living Years and All I Need Is a Miracle. The following songs will help you to perfect your singing technique and sharpen your style:

  • Silent Running - an excellent track for developing your vocal control and breathing techniques.
  • The Living Years - one of their most intense songs, it expresses a vast range of emotions, and it will help you perfect the art of dynamic phrasing.
  • All I Need Is A Miracle - This energetic song showcases Mike Rutherford's belting ability and serves as an excellent practice in vocal transitioning.

Mike + the Mechanics Practical Tips

Developing your singing style like Mike + the Mechanics takes practice, and here are some practical tips to help improve your singing skills:

  • Practice daily, even when it gets challenging.
  • Listen to their emotive songs and study the lyrics and phrasing.
  • Use Singing Carrots' tools, like vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and pitch training.
  • Pay close attention to your breathing technique and do breathing exercises.
  • Learn from your mistakes and regularly attend rehearsals with a vocal coach.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' singing course designed for beginners, which covers singing theory and practical tips.


Mike + the Mechanics portray an emotive and powerful singing style that can take your singing to the next level. By using the practical tips, tools and studying their emotive songs, you can learn their unique vocal techniques and unlock the full potential of your singing voice. Enjoy the journey as you develop your singing skills and remember to have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.